Stories JANA, 31 years old

JANA, 31 years old
Thursday, 14. December 2023

"For a long time I couldn't get rid of the weight I gained during pregnancy". After a consultation with a nutritional therapist from the MAHONY DIET team, I chose a 45-day program and the results were not long in coming. Thanks to the stabilization program and the diet prepared by the nutritional therapist, I ended up losing 15 kg!"

During my pregnancy, I gained 15 kg, which I could not get rid of for a long time despite all my efforts. Hours of home exercise, jogging and constant starvation were not at all noticeable to me. Recently my son celebrated his second birthday and when I saw the photos from his birthday party I was horrified. I decided to change it all and after consulting with a nutritional therapist, I tried the 45-day MAHONY® DIET program. The results didn't take long and I felt great! Now, thanks to the stabilization program, I am gradually returning to normal eating, and I am still maintaining the reduced 15 kg. I have much more energy and I no longer have to be ashamed to go to the swimming pool with my son. Thank you to the entire MAHONY® DIET team for the amazing support during my weight loss!